Get An IT Pro-Assessment Scorecard

Get a one-time, in-depth risk analysis of your IT environment

Frustrated by lingering doubt and fear about the health of your IT environment?  Are you REALLY secure? Where can your IT improve? At the heart of EpiOn’s Measurably Better IT Framework sits the MBIT Scorecard.  The Scorecard is a simple, one-page summary of the overall health of your IT, along with specific action items for improvement. 

In the Pro-Assessment, EpiOn performs a one-time, in-depth risk analysis that results in your own version of the MBIT Scorecard.


Here's what you can expect from our in-depth analysis and IT scorecard: 

An in-depth technical assessment

Our engineers will do an in-depth review of your network, systems, configurations, and security. We will assess the health of your data backup and disaster recovery process, review your cyber-liability coverage, and explore your process for maintaining compliance.

A strategy review with your leadership team

In the Improved Productivity portion of your Pro-Assessment, EpiOn engages with your leadership team in a strategic (non-technical) conversation. We focus on how your current approach to IT fits your organization’s plans for Leverage, Innovation, and Decision Making. 

A meeting to discuss results & recommended action items

Once your Scorecard is complete, we schedule a meeting with you to review the results and recommended action items to discuss with your IT team. You’ll walk away with your Scorecard and the related detail reporting to share with your team.

Have questions about the assessment?

Explore our frequently asked questions

Why do you need a Pro-Assessment?

Because “hope is not a strategy.” We often encounter business leaders who don’t really know where their IT stands from a productivity and risk perspective. They “hope” they are OK. Their IT team tells them they are OK. But in truth, they don’t really know. This Pro-Assessment service offers an objective, measurable way to know where you stand. 

What will you need from us?

This is an in-depth analysis of your IT environment. We will need administrative credentials for your firewall, network, servers, and Microsoft 365 environment. Once the analysis is complete, you can remove our accounts or change the passwords.

Do you install any agents or make any changes in our configurations?

No. We will run various programs that assess your environment, but nothing will be permanently installed, nor do we make any changes to your system configurations.

Should I involve my current IT team in this assessment?

That decision is up to you, but, we would recommend that, at least initially, you do not. Part of the assessment will test your team’s ability to protect, detect and respond to certain cyber threats. It is a better test if they do not know what to expect.

What does the Pro-Assessment cost?

EpiOn charges a one-time, fixed fee to perform the Pro-Assessment. The fee is $2,500 for organizations with one location and up to 50 users.

Does this mean EpiOn becomes my IT team?

Definitely not. We do not perform the assessment with the intent of “upselling” you to become a client. The Pro-Assessment just helps you know where you really stand. In some cases, clients go through the assessment and then later make some changes in their IT management team. If that were to happen in your case, and you chose EpiOn within 90 days of your assessment, we would discount your onboarding fee by 50% of your assessment cost since we could reuse some of that knowledge.

Request Your Assessment!

Use the form below to request your assessment and a member of our team will be in touch shortly with next steps.