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Your Business Needs To Manage Mobile Devices For The Sake Of Its Security

Your Business Needs To Manage Mobile Devices For The Sake Of Its Security

Businesses can benefit from the use of personal mobile devices in the workplace, yet there are also potential dangers in allowing mobile and Internet of Things devices to access your network. In order to reduce these dangers, you need to put some limits and guidelines on the use of such devices in the workplace.

Defining Limitations and Acceptable Devices
In order to avoid your network being used for purposes that don’t apply to your business, you should set limitations as to what kind of devices are able to access it. Take, for example, the Internet of Things. While the security of some IoT devices has been improved, there are still many with no defense of which to speak that pose considerable risk to your network. Limiting network access to devices that can specifically be used in a professional manner can help protect your network.

However, even if devices are allowed in the workplace, they can still serve as a distraction. Assume that each of your employees has a smartphone, laptop, tablet, and wearable device that is in the office with them every day. Not only can these all serve as interruptions and distractions, they can take up valuable bandwidth in the office, reducing the efficiency of the office as a whole. However, you can also limit how many devices each person can have linked to the network at a time, so that strategy can help as well.

Develop An Access Policy
Human error is one of the leading causes of data loss. To help combat the ill effects that irresponsible or abusive mobile device use can have to your business, help your employees to grasp their role in--and their importance to--the company’s success in keeping your network secure. Access policies can assist you in achieving this outcome. Remind your employees of their accountability to the rest of your team by instating password requirements and privacy terms, antivirus expectations, and data loss reporting processes. You could even discuss penalties that they are apt to face if caught using a company device as they are driving.

Using A Mobile Device Management Solution
To truly ensure that your company is not at high risk due to the mobile devices your employees use every day, consider implementing a mobile device management (MDM) solution. MDM applications give you the control you need to ensure your business is protected, allowing you to enforce the device’s proper use and to ensure that all necessary maintenance and patching takes place. Many MDM solutions also allow you to preserve your data security with remote wiping capabilities, should it turn up missing, or worse, stolen.

Mobile devices have been cemented permanently into today’s business-as-usual, allowing for greater productive mobility and job satisfaction. However, they can’t be adopted without preparation and forethought. Cybercrime forces SMBs to keep close tabs on who can access their network and what device they’re using to do so. Want to learn more about mobile device management, and how EpiOn can assist you with yours? Call us at (931) 526-3742.